Friday, November 11, 2011

Blow'in up 2012 with TNT

Okay so I have made my self challenge for 2012, now before Stitcher's Guild even came out with the rules for 2012 SWAP I had already listed as a possible self challenge was to only use a set number of patterns for one year. So when the rules came out a few days later I decided to go with that one and just modify it a bit so I could join in on the fun.  

How many patterns do I really need? When will I have enough? How many different styles of patterns are there? Why am I ways drawn to the same ones? Will I really get around to fitting and sewing this one up if I buy it?  These are just some of the questions I have been asking lately when purchasing patterns, since getting patterns here is not easy or cheap. Also will I have the time for everything involved in making up a new pattern, tracing, fitting etc, as a mother of many time is a precious commodity to me. And lately more and more sewing books have been geared towards sewing more with less, using simple patternmaking skills, adding and subtracting details to change up the look, and changing the fabrics, for example the Built By Wendy Series, Simple Modern Sewing, , Easy Sewing the Kwik Sew Way and The Burdastyle Handbook are just a few books that have come out lately showing this concept. So for next year I'll using only 7 patterns for all of my sewing, they are a T-shirt, shirt, blouse, skirt, pant, dress, and cardigan or jacket. I hope to use/ learn some patternmaking skills to change them up a bit and also using different fabrics and trim.

Here are a few of the patterns I know I'll be using for sure
  1. T-shirt- New Look 6735
  2. Shirt with collar - McCall's 5138
  3. Pants - New Look 6570
  4. Skirt- Self Drafted 
I'm still working out:
  1. Dress
  2. Blouse (without closures)
  3. Cardigan/ Jacket
So after I finish Simplicity 2310 my only goals for the rest of the year to fit and muslin the patterns I'll be using for this challenge. I'm hoping that by doing this my sewing can be more productive, yeild more results, and make better use of my limited time.

Until next time happy sewing.......

1 comment:

SewCool21 said...

Wow,that is a great idea!I can't wait to see the finish product.


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