Monday, March 08, 2010

Internet again

I'm back now after an unwanted leave, my internet connection started acting up and getting online was almost impossible, so of course no blogging. Now I'm back and hope to do more. Anyway I'm almost done my skirt but had to put it down for a while as I need to figure something out. See one of my children( not sure who but I have a good idea who) must have thought that one of my pieces was scrap fabric and decided to slice and dice with the snips. So now I need to figure out how to get a waist facing or waistband from what is left. I was tight on fabric in the first place, oh well life happens.

But now I'm working on a bag from a remnant of denim, I wanted to originally make a vest from it but after fitting my pattern and realizing I may have gone up a size, I decided not to. So it was perfect timing with the contest on Patternreview, so why not. I'll try to post pics and more info in the morning.

Until next time,
Happy sewing

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