Thursday, June 28, 2012

12 Shirt Project

Starting tomorrow I'll be starting my 12 shirts project I'll be using Cal Patch's book "Design It Yourself Clothes" to draft a shirt pattern and use my "Threads" magazines to help make it more fitted. I plan on using the article from issue 142 "Add A Bust Dart" and also issue 107 "The S-dart Advantage". This is not my first time attempting the shirt draft, and I remember not liking my first muslin due to looseness and for some reason just gave up on it at the time. This time I hope will be a lot different, I have learned that drafting is skill that takes time and sometimes lots of drafts and muslins to get what you want. So I bought two rolls of muslin and have given myself time to get what I want, now on with the drafting, learning and the perfect shirt pattern.

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