A new sewing machine finally, I'm so happy mines is a Singer Inspiration 4228 .I do plan to upgrade later but for now this is good enough. I have had it now almost two weeks but really have not had the time to update my blog or do much with, as I have been busy with life and family while the kids were out for break. Today is the last day break so I hope to have more time. I have sewn up the muslin for the skirt I drafted using D-I-Y Patternmaking Simplified
but it was a bit loose in the waist and tight in the thigh area, so I'm going to redraft it. I also sewed up two vest muslins and they did not fit they way I had planned, so that has me a little down. I think I'm going to step away from commercial patterns for a little while, or a tleast not rely on them so much. I might as well anyway, I'm trying to learn it on my own anyway so why not start now. I have a lot to blog about which I plan to do in the next few days including a plan/goal that I really like, my new sewing room and sewing plans and hopefully this is the real start to my SEWING blog.
Note: the video is of earlier machines from the Inspiration Line
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